Switching between brands

We understand that you might be a user that has to manage many different brands campaigns and assets. For that reason instead of having a million different logins for each brand we have allowed a single user to manage different brands from a single user login.

Follow these steps to learn how to switch between different brands.

Step 1: Press on the user icon in the top right.

Step 2: This will allow you to switch between brands by pressing the button 'Switch Brand'

Step 3: Once you have clicked on 'Switch Brand' a popup will appear. Click on the arrow to open up the drop down box that allows you to choose a brand account.

Step 4: Scroll down to select the brand's account you would like to manage and click on it.

Step 5: Once you have selected your brand, press save and they your all set. You can manage and create campaigns for that brand!

Last updated