Adding Rules

On the Odore Platform there is the option to add rules. This means that when customers select specific answers to questions they are taken to a product page that is relevant to the answers that they have given.

If you are struggling to create rules contact

Creating a rule can increase customer engagement by allowing the consumer to be suggested a product that will meet there needs

Step 1: Make sure you have added a product to your account. If you have not done so please review the 'Adding Products' page in the fundamentals part of this guide. Without adding a product you will not be able to add a rule.

Step 2: Creating rules relies on having question and answer blocks on your interface. Within your interface ask two or more questions in order to create rules. To start creating rules navigate to the 'Create rules' tab at the top.

Step 3: Select the drop down box for a question and select an answer for that question. Depending on the number of questions you have inserted into your interface you may need to repeat this a few times.

Step 4: Once you have decided on the answers that a customer will select they can be suggested a specific product and taken to that product page to see more information about their suggested product.

Last updated